Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Busy yet buzzy

Summer 2011 has started already and this blog has taken its vacation ahead of moi! I don't even notice that its almost half-way of the Rabbit's year and I'm one week away from quarter life crisis. Middle of 2010 was really a rocky road and by November until end of Q1 were the busy bonanza period. Schedules piled-up but I stayed buzz-y in the e-world through my Facebook (this is given!) and tantananan....

Twitter (bvnantes) - have 3,151 tweets as of 26/04/2011 5:40pm and I'm updating it through web, mobileweb, and mobile via Tweetitow.

Twitpic - uploaded 105 photos and 1 video. Can't wait who's next in the 'spotted' limelight since the first one I caught was Mac Lintag. Lol!

Multiply (dreweybelle) - this serves as my FB account's back-up and old school photos are here! I just noticed that I have chosen a very chic theme and customized this long before Gaga has gone gaga. Was it an anticipation? *wink*

Friendster (dreweybelle) - yes, this is still alive with 191 testimonials and 19 albums! Oh, but I received an e-mail that Friendster users shall back-up photos, blogs, and other important data in their "Apps" site before 31 May 2011. See info below:

So there, I still do updates through my 5 major social network accounts and counting this Yes! No Caffeine! as the 6th.



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